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"Come and See".
- John 1:39

Christ-Centered Spiritual Direction

When we lift our inward eyes to gaze upon God we are sure to meet friendly eyes gazing back at us.
~A.W. Tozer

Why Spiritual Direction?

I see you.

Life gets pretty messy at times. Sometimes a thick fog sets in. Fortunately, you don’t have to stumble around blind and alone.

Soul Care is about real life, real relationships, and real struggles. It is the safe space where fog can lift. We can talk about anything!

We all need new lenses from time to time.

We gaze toward God, but things can get pretty fuzzy sometimes. That is why spiritual direction has been a favorite tool for spiritual formation since the early days of the church. Seeing a Christian spiritual director is like seeing a spiritual optometrist who can help you see what may be too blurry without a little help. Soul care is as individual as your eyeglass prescription and choice of frames, but the goal is always the same. Clear vision of what (or Who) is really real.

God's Gaze

The eyes of the Lord watch you with delight. Even when you feel invisible, God sees! Even when you feel alone, God is with you. You are never outside the loving, nurturing, forgiving, restoring, gaze of the God who Sees. He's not far off either. He is right here, hovering like the protective parent of a toddler, ready at any moment to take your hand or listen as you whisper a secret.

"May you know the urgency with which God longs for you." John O'Donohue